Peace family. It’s been a while. I’ve been on my grind as I always am in many forms. For a few months I put tremendous effort into starting a new lane on my YouTube channel by creating an entertainment variety show, The World Wide Show. I was beginning to get a little traction going with it and as soon as I started to get a little deeper politically YouTube pulled the plug on me and my channel was squashed by its algorithm. There is no way any video I make with close to 9000 subscribers should get less than 10 measly views. However, as I started to make more videos that didn’t go along with the agendas and narratives of the powers that be my main channel was shadow banned. I decided to create 2 new channels and try to build them from the ground up. I now have 3 YouTube channels. My main channel, DjRondevu, where I had to delete close to 3 million views worth of videos as I try to get it back in the favor of the algorithm as well as RondevuWorld which will have travel and fitness content and CommonSenseNews which is a news and politics channel. The news channel has already been suppressed and some really well made videos have gone completely unnoticed and buried by the algorithm. At the moment I am on a 1 month trip so my focus is on the travel and fitness channel but soon I will be contributing to all 3 again. Please subscribe to the new channels and like and share the videos so we can attempt to break out of the algorithmic chains I currently find myself bound by as free speech is being suffocated in these confusing times.
#politics #news #travel #health #workout #fitover40 #fitover50 #walk #exercise #vacation #newyork #deadmalls #grenada