The year was 2005 and my mixtape career was in full swing. After over a decade of paying dues in the mixtape circuit as the underdog with actual tapes I had finally moved up to be one of the more recognized djs in the game. The preferred medium was now CDs and a lot of the top guys from when things were tapes were losing their positions. With Das Efx on hiatus I was no longer doing world tours with them or spending time in the studio working on songs. I wasn’t interested in any bookings for parties and I focused all of my attention on mixtapes. Since the 4 Horsemen Pt 1 I had been dropping classic material with every release. I had just put out my independent album and dvd “Dangerous Minded” and I knew I had to drop another classic mixtape to follow it up. I had set a high standard for myself so I had to meet it if not exceed it. I put in almost 2 months of work in the lab and the result was The 4 Horsemen Pt 3. Below is the entire mixtape for your enjoyment. Please make sure to subscribe to my YouTube page while you’re listening.


If you didn’t know, I’ve been putting in work behind the boards for quite some time now. Since the early 90’s to be exact. As I was on the come up I was dedicated to every aspect of DJ life. From rocking parties to  turntablism to mixing and making mixtapes I worked tirelessly to improve. I also spent countless hours “digging in the crates” at thrift shops, yard sales, and many other dusty settings to acquire old records and learn the art of production. From pause tapes to the crunchy 8 second sampler on a Gemini Scratch Master up to a full Akai MPC and keyboards midi studio setup I paid my dues to be able to call myself a “producer”. From releasing underground white labels to internationally charting party break records to producing multi platinum artists I have put together a respectable body of production work. I have started a series on YouTube that will showcase some of these songs that you may or may not know of. Please subscribe to my YouTubePage so you can know about them when they drop. Enjoy

5:55 Testament of Hova

Kinda like Michael Corleone said in the Godfather, “Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.” The mixtape game has been dead for years. Honestly, in my eyes the hip hop game is almost dead, or at least the artform and lifestyle aspect of it. Sure, there are millions of dollars being made by talentless people and executive puppet masters but what happened to doing things for expression and the culture instead of just the almighty dollar. It’s been far too long that I heard a mixtape or even an album I could play front to back and put me in “my zone” We all know that zone a good mixtape or album can take us. Left lane music. A soundtrack to headbutt a rhino. I’ve been longing for that for a while. Since nobody was making anything to move me I made something to inspire myself and hopefully others as well. I’ve come out of my mixtape retirement to add one final entry to the classic catalog. Hopefully it will ignite a spark somewhere to keep the fires of originality spreading. Enjoy and please spread the word on all social media platforms. There might even be a lesson or two to be learned somewhere in there.


Below you will find a free streaming version. You can also get the limited edition collectors item cd and an autographed poster by placing an order in the online store. You can also donate  crypto currency to one of my wallets if you appreciate my efforts.

Bitcoin wallet – 1xM5vCst6PRmnvbe2bRdQAigAGZUy3xAA

Ethereum wallet – 0x3E8ab436BEa36cf1606b9C60fE560fDD543b5Eed

2 Pac feat. Mary J Blige – All That I Got Is Mama(Video)

Wow! Was it really over 10 years ago that I made this remix? Where is the time going?? At this time had djs shook and putting their best foot forward with their mixtapes or hiding and hoping not to be exposed. Websites dedicated to mixtapes, or rather mix cds, were pulling in heavy traffic and making somewhat household names of business minded djs hustling their products. Mixtapes could be found anywhere from websites, record stores, gas stations, clothing stores, sidewalk stands and more. Mixtapes even had their own segment on MTV. This was a special time in the mixtape industry. Here is a remix I did that was featured on The 4 Horsemen Pt 3. I’ve been planning to do some video mixes to some of my classic remixes and here is one I put together the other day. Enjoy.